- The present simple and present continuous - Přítomný čas prostý a přítomný čas průběhovýZpracoval/a: MagPlePokročilost: středně pokročilí
The present simple and present continuous - Přítomný čas prostý a přítomný čas průběhový
The present simple and present continuous
The present simple is used to express:
A) Repeated actions (A habit or a hobby) - opakované činnosti
I drink coffee every morning
I get up at 6:30.
B) A fact which is true for a long time or generalization – dlouhodobá činnost
I live in Ostrava.
Vegetarians don´t eat meat.
C) Scheduled events – an event which is part of a timetable – pravidelný řád
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The party starts at 8 o'clock.
When does class begin tomorrow?
Spelling rules for he/she/it.
I work / play / live. He works / plays / lives.
I watch / finish/ go / do. He watches/ finishes/ goes/ does
I study. He studies.
The present continuous is used to express:
am/is/are + -ing (present participle)
a) An activity happening now
I am writing a letter
b) An activity happening around now or a trend
Are you still working for the same company?
More and more people are becoming vegetarians.
c) A planned future arrangement
I am meeting my boss at 10 am tomorrow.
d) With always - to complain about annoying behaviour
The dog is always jumping on the sofa.
e) A temporary situation
My brother is working in China. (He normally works in France.)
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